Super light-weight thermal protection system for space application

Project in frame of FP7 - EU Research and Innovation funding programme


Organisation NameAcronymScientific Team LeaderCountry
1. [CO] Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation TECNALIA Dr. Maria Parco Spain
2 Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) IPMS Prof. Gennadii Frolov Ukraine
3 YUZHNOYE Design Office named after Mikhail Yangel YUZHNOYE Dr. Victor Tykhyy Ukraine
4 Space Research Institute, NASU and National Space Agency of Ukraine SRI Prof. Victor Yatsenko Ukraine
5 Institute of electric welding named after Paton of NASU IEW Prof. Iurii Falchenko Ukraine
6 National Research Council of Italy - Institute of Science and Technology for Ceramics ISTEC Dr. Laura Silvestroni Italy
7 ECM Space Technologies GmbH ECM Dr. Arnold Sterenharz Germany
8 Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR). Institute of Structures and Design DLR Dr. Dietmar Koch Germany
LIGHT-TPS consortium logos

Project Summary

LIGHT-TPS will develop a new super-light complex Thermal Protection System (TPS) for various space applications, above all for Reusable Space Systems (RSS), capable of operating within the entire range of working temperatures. The works in the project will aim at radical improvement the properties of the TPS used in Space Shuttle, Buran, other existing and under-development RSS.

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Project Objectives

Main purpose of the Project

The project aims to the development of innovative materials and manufacturing technologies for the fabrication of new generation thermal protection systems for future reusable space systems.

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